

Armut und Behinderungen

The Objectivist answer to poverty and other social problems is: 1) create a society in which people have clear reasons to be responsible...

28. September 2010
Wilhelm Thomas
3 Min.
Pre-Emptive Strikes and Iraq

Pre-emptive use of force may be proper when one is faced with a clear and present danger. This might be a credible threat from someone, or

28. September 2010
Wilhelm Thomas
3 Min.
Tea Party Candidates and the "Crane Rule"

In the wake of the victory of Christine O’Donnell, backed by Tea Party members, over establishment Republican Mike Castle in Delaware’s

28. September 2010
Edward Hudgins
6 Min.
Organized Government

Please see our Q&A " What is the Objectivist View of Law and Government ?" which describes the general Objectivist approach to politics. Thi

28. September 2010
Wilhelm Thomas
3 Min.
Needy Children

"The needy" come in two classes: those who are unable to care for themselves, and those who are able. Objectivism holds that it is not...

28. September 2010
Wilhelm Thomas
2 Min.
Prisoner's Dilemma

First, let me remark that you are right that Objectivism doesn't share Singer's idea of interest. We can see this by looking at the real...

28. September 2010
Wilhelm Thomas
4 Min.
Nature and Wilderness

What Objectivism opposes is the idea that nature has inherent value, apart from any human needs, values, or purposes. In general, Objectivis

28. September 2010
Wilhelm Thomas
4 Min.
Natural Rights

Rights are fundamental political principles. As such, they are based in morality. They summarize how human beings ought to be treated in a

28. September 2010
Wilhelm Thomas
2 Min.
Antikapitalistische Träume

Larry Ribstein has a review of the anti-capitalist film Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps. And here is his article on the original Wall

Sep 25, 2010
3 Min.
Bob Moffat verdient keine Haftstrafe

Robert Moffat has apparently asked to begin his six-month prison term for insider trading on November 5 rather than on next June 30...

Sep 21, 2010
2 Min.
Der Fall Enron Barge: Was andere sagen

In my last blog post, “ When Only Ayn Rand Says It All ,” I promised to say more about the continuing prosecution of James Brown as part....

Sep 19, 2010
2 Min.
Let's Jail Prosecutors Who "Obstruct Justice"

In my investigation of the Jamie Olis case, I wrote: Following the collapse of Enron in December 2001, the city of Houston became the

Sep 18, 2010
5 Min.
Geschichte, Wirtschaft und Philosophie der sozialen Sicherheit

März 2005 -- Anmerkung der Redaktion: Der folgende Text ist ein Auszug aus David Kelleys Buch A Life of One's Own: Individual Rights and the Welfare

15. September 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
10 Min.
Soße für den Produzenten ist Soße für den Verleumder?

Todd Henderson, of the group blog “Truth on the Market,” had a suggestion last Thursday : Subject politicians to the same good-governance

Sep 13, 2010
3 Min.
Die Tugend des Profits und die profitablen Tugenden

Februar 2002 -- Geschäftsleute, über die in der populären Presse berichtet wird, nennen Atlas Shrugged häufig als ihr Lieblingsbuch. Ayn Rand war eine der

9. September 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
6 Min.
Enrons Lektionen für den Kapitalismus

März 2002 -- Der plötzliche Konkurs der Enron Corporation ist ein Skandal, der die Unterstützung für den freien Markt erschüttert hat. Das Leben in einer Division-of...

9. September 2010
Wilhelm Thomas
10 Min.
Sidebar: Pioniere des Egalitarismus

Richard Henry Tawney (1880-1962) war ein britischer Historiker, der die meiste Zeit seiner Karriere an der London School of Economics verbrachte. Er schrieb viel über

8. September 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
2 Min.
Decoding the Credit Crisis

That’s the charge that Newsweek columnist and Slate Magazine editor Jacob Weisberg has laid against the advocates of markets in a recent..

8. September 2010
10 Min.
The Servile Citizen

A large billboard in a local Metro station cautions passersby to “Cover your cough” and “Wash your hands frequently” when you have a cold...

7. September 2010
Edward Hudgins
6 Min.
All in Favor Say "I"

Money will not purchase happiness for the man who has no concept of what he wants: money will not give him a code of values, if he's evaded

7. September 2010
5 Min.

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.