January 1, 2001 -- "Is civilization really going down the tube?" asked New York Times art critic Michael Kimmelman in an article entitled...
January 1, 2001 -- "Is civilization really going down the tube?" asked New York Times art critic Michael Kimmelman in an article entitled...
1. Februar 2004 -- Vor 30 bis 40 Tausend Jahren begannen die Menschen in Höhlen wie Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc in Südfrankreich Bilder zu machen.
Ayn Rand called Atlas Shrugged a “stunt novel.” She meant that it is a rollicking entertainment: a mystery novel with dramatic twists and
Lassen Sie mich meinen Standpunkt gleich zu Beginn darlegen: Ich denke, dass Actionthriller heute die einflussreichsten und effektivsten Mittel sind, um Werte zu vermitteln.
I was introduced to Ayn Rand's work in 1984 by Lou Torres, who had founded Aristos, an arts journal informed by her philosophy of art, two
Lange Zeit haben sich die Kritiker der modernen und postmodernen Kunst auf die Strategie "Ist das nicht eklig" verlassen. Damit meine ich die Strategie der ...
In order to answer that question, I have to share an experience. In the summer of 1991, I was on a three-week tour of Japan, and I finished
I've reread Thorton Wilder's The Ides of March many times, always with the equivalent of a slight mental frown: Why do I like this book so