Rights only apply to rational beings whose needs are best fulfilled by production and trade...
Rights only apply to rational beings whose needs are best fulfilled by production and trade...
February 2001 -- In recent months, the Environmental Liberation Front (ELF) has claimed responsibility for acts of arson across the country
Objectivism holds that in a society in which people deal with each other by trade, there will exist a "pyramid of ability." It is a pyramid
What Objectivism opposes is the idea that nature has inherent value, apart from any human needs, values, or purposes. In general, Objectivis
März 2002 -- Der plötzliche Konkurs der Enron Corporation ist ein Skandal, der die Unterstützung für den freien Markt erschüttert hat. Das Leben in einer Division-of...
Juli/August 2008 -- Ich führe einen Online-Blog (http://bidinotto.journalspace.com), in dem ich Kommentare (und manchmal auch Tiraden) über
Talk about dodging a bullet. When armed, explosives-laden eco-terrorist James J. Lee took hostages at the Discovery Channel headquarters ...
Environmentalists worldwide are urging people to turn off all their lights for one hour on Saturday, March 28 at 8:30pm local time...
May 29, 2009 – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently met with Beijing officials to secure international agreement about tighter restrictions
The latest morally monstrous proposal out of the environmentalist cult comes from Lord Smith of Finsbury. He suggests that each British...
September 2007 -- Jede Kultur und ihre Institutionen sind die lebendige Verkörperung bestimmter grundlegender Ideen über den Menschen und seinen Platz in der Welt.
Atlas Summit 2013 -- Energy is at the center of Atlas Shrugged, whether in the present with Wyatt Oil and Danagger Coal or in the future
I would like to start by asking you all to secure yourselves in your seats. If you have any pointy objects, make sure they are facing away
A scramble by Democrats on Capitol Hill to prevent a particular vote on a particular bill highlights for us two of the most pernicious...
Eines Tages ging ich hier in Washington, D.C., zurück ins Büro, als mich eine junge Frau an einer Straßenecke ansprach. "Haben Sie eine Minute Zeit für die
Liberals have given conservatives much grief over the years for advocating an abstinence-only approach to sex education. “Kids are going....
It’s appropriate that for Earth Day a British court has essentially confirmed Gaia’s status as a goddess who is worshiped by eco-acolytes.
Unfortunately, every Earth Day, even politicians who are not generally known as tree-huggers feel they must pander to the degenerate values
The severe winter snows and spring flooding in much of the country have yielded this summer's bumper crop of mosquitoes that carry the
Da die Preise für Öl, Benzin und Erdgas im vergangenen Jahr in die Höhe geschnellt sind, haben viele Menschen von der Regierung gefordert, dass sie