Aktuelle Ereignisse

Der Senior Scholar der Atlas Society, Dr. Stephen Hicks, und der Professor für politische Ökonomie, Dr. Richard Salsman, diskutieren gemeinsam mit Moderatorin Vickie Oddino über die aktuellen Geschehnisse im Land aus objektivistischer Sicht.

What is the Philadelphia Declaration? with Hicks and Kelley

October 16, 2024
Join Atlas Society founder and Senior Scholar David Kelley, Ph.D., along with Senior Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., for a special webinar discussing a new initiative to unify liberty advocates across the secular-religious spectrum to forge common cause against common foes: collectivism, irrationalism, and authoritarianism.

The Ethics, Economics, and Politics of Immigration with Richard Salsman & Robert Tracinski

August 28, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Richard Salsman, Ph.D., and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for the 217 episode of The Atlas Society Asks where the duo discuss "open" borders vs. "closed" borders vs. "managed" borders, whether the "Ellis Island model" is irrelevant given our current welfare state, and more.

Christianity Vs. Greco-Roman Roots of Western Civilization? with Kelley and Tracinski

July 17, 2024
Join Atlas Society founder and Senior Scholar David Kelley and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for the 213 episode of The Atlas Society Asks where the duo will discuss a turn on the political right back toward a rather strident religious advocacy. Listen as they explain the historical and philosophical errors in this view, especially the ignoring of the true source of unique Western culture: the Greco-Roman tradition. View Full Transcript Episod

Liberty in El Salvador? with Marty, Avelar, & Rauda

July 3, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Fellow Antonella Marty for the 211 episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she is joined by El Salvadoran journalists Ricardo Avelar and Nelson Rauda for a deep dive into El Salvador, President Nayib Bukele, the implementation of Bitcoin as legal tender, and the current state of personal and economic freedom in the country.

Javier Milei After Six Months: Current Events with Stephen Hicks

June 19, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., for a special Current Events webinar analyzing the first six months of Javier Milei's presidency in Argentina.

Nationalism Worldwide: Current Events with Antonella Marty & Rob Tracinski

November 14, 2023
Join Sociedad Atlas CEO Antonella Marty and Atlas Society Senior Fellow Robert for an Objectivist perspective on Nationalism and how it is understood globally, along with a discussion on Marc Andreessen's Techno-Optimist Manifesto. Previous Episode

ISRAEL UNDER SEIGE: On the Ground with Michael Kauffman

October 12, 2023
The news out of Israel this weekend was so horrifying and shocking, the anti-semitic celebration of the carnage so disheartening, the scope and implications of the crisis so overwhelming, that some may be tempted to unfocus the mind, routinely tending to your diurnal priorities—or as Rand put it: “If you don’t look…you are free to believe what you wish—and you experience a foggy, pleasant, but somehow guilty, kind of hope.” For those living in Israel, there is no looking away from the immediate, existential threat presented by Hamas’s vicious terrorist invasion. That’s why this Thursday, we’re turning to Michael Kauffann, MD, Ph.D., on the ground in Tel Aviv with his wife and children, for his in-person, Objectivist perspective on the attacks. He will analyze the failure of Israeli intelligence and the deeper governmental dysfunction it represents, along with the ongoing Israeli defense response. Michael Kauffman has spent the last 28 years in the pharmaceutical industry and currently splits his time between Tel Aviv, Israel, Miami, and Boston. A generous supporter of our work at The Atlas Society, he gave a keynote speech at our Galt’s Gulch student conference in Nashville this summer, decrying the alliance of the Mystics & the Muscle in Israeli politics, and advancing an agenda of how Objectivist principles must set the agenda for a flourishing democracy in the Jewish state.

China's Economic Trouble & the BRICS Alliance: Current Events with Salsman & Tracinski

September 20, 2023
Join Senior Scholar Richard Salsman, Ph.D., and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for an Objectivist perspective on the damage to China’s economy since the CCP’s turn back towards central planning, along with a brief overview of the BRICS alliance and what that means for the U.S.

De-Banking & Affirmative Action: Current Events with Stephen Hicks and Richard Salsman

July 19, 2023

David Kelley & Richard Salsman - Hypocrisy Is Not An Argument

July 13, 2023
Join Atlas Society founder David Kelley, Ph.D., and Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke Richard Salsman, Ph.D., for a special 90-minute discussion on how public debate often degenerates into trading charges of hypocrisy rather than a more substantive dialogue about issues and principles. Join our scholars as they provide examples, encourage philosophical detection, and trace the philosophical roots of the approach.

Biden's Inflation Reduction Bill & The Supreme Court on Executive Power: Current Events with Kelley and Tracinski

August 17, 2022
Join The Atlas Society for an Objectivist perspective on current events. This time our founder, Dr. David Kelley, along with Senior Fellow and Objectivist writer Robert Tracinski will discuss the recent Supreme Court Decision regarding Executive power as well as President Biden's "Inflation Reduction" Bill.

Modern Art & The Buffalo Shooter's Manifesto - Current Events with Hicks and Tracinski

Mai 25, 2022
Join Senior Scholar Dr. Stephen Hicks and our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for the 105th episode of The Atlas Society Asks as they discuss current events in how we should understand art and the process of creation along with an Objectivist perspective on the recent Buffalo shooter and his manifesto.

Roe v. Wade und Abtreibung mit Richard Salsman und Robert Tracinski

11. Mai 2022
Join Senior Scholar Dr. Richard Salsman and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special webinar discussion on the recent Supreme Court opinion leak along with an Objectivist perspective on Roe v. Wade and abortion.

Die Atlas-Gesellschaft Ukraine Diskussion mit David Kelley, Richard Salsman und Robert Tracinski

April 22, 2022
Join The Atlas Society for a special discussion on the war between Russia and Ukraine. Listen and Dr. Richard Salsman and Robert Tracinski discuss Objectivist interpretations of America’s foreign policy and their differing opinions in a civil and open manner. Professor Salsman argues that Ukraine does not deserve U.S. help and based on America’s national self-interest it should NOT get involved in the conflict, at present. Robert Tracinski, on the other hand, advances that America should be doing more to curtail a blatantly aggressive Vladimir Putin and provide more assistance for Ukraine. Our founder, Dr. David Kelley, will moderate as the duo will present their understanding of the history that has led up to the current conflict and what foreign policy options should be pursued to bring resolution.

Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Aktuelle Ereignisse mit Hicks und Tracinski

March 2, 2022
Join The Atlas Society Senior Scholar Dr. Stephen Hicks and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski with host and Student Programs Manager Abbie Berringer for an Objectivist perspective on the war between Russia and Ukraine on the 94th episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Über den kanadischen Truckerprotest und Russland gegen die Ukraine: Aktuelle Ereignisse mit Kelley und Salsman

Februar 16, 2022
The Atlas Society Current Events Panel: Join The Atlas Society Founder, Dr. David Kelley, and Senior Scholar, Dr. Richard Salsman, with host Abbie Berringer to discuss the Canadian Trucker protests and the threat of war between Russia and Ukraine. All this on the 92nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

NYT Study on Hate Speech, +7% Inflation, and More - Current Events with Hicks and Salsman

January 19, 2022
The Atlas Society Current Events Panel: Join The Atlas Society's Senior Scholars, Dr. Stephen Hicks and Dr. Richard Salsman with host Abbie Berringer to discuss a recent New York Times free speech survey on College Campuses, the over 7% inflation of the US dollar, and the first-ever pig-to-man heart transplant. All of this and more on the 88th episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Defunding Leftist Colleges: Aktuelle Ereignisse mit Kelley und Salsman -- Dezember 2021

December 15, 2021
The Atlas Society Current Events Panel: Join The Atlas Society Founder David Kelley and Economist Richard Salsman as they discuss new movements to defund leftist practices in universities, and also talk about criminal law and lawlessness surrounding the Rittenhouse and Arbury trials on the 83rd Episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Ist Kant der ursprüngliche "wache" Philosoph? - Aktuelle Ereignisse mit Hicks und Tracinski

November 17, 2021
Join Senior Scholar Dr. Stephen Hicks and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion on the surprising - but encouraging - Virginia election results, CRT and whether Immanuel Kant was the original "woke" philosopher. All this and more on the 79th episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Bidens "menschliches" Infrastrukturgesetz - Aktuelle Ereignisse mit Kelley & Salsman

October 20, 2021
Join The Atlas Society for our monthly webinar series - Current Events with Kelley and Salsman. The Atlas Society founder Dr. David Kelley, and Senior Scholar, Dr. Richard Salsman join host Jennifer Grossman to discuss the Biden Administration's "Human" Infrastructure Bill, The Constitution of Knowledge by Jonathan Rauch, and AG Merrick Garland's "terrorism investigation" into parents "interfering" with school boards.

Wir fördern den offenen Objektivismus: die Philosophie der Vernunft, der Leistung, des Individualismus und der Freiheit.