In Viable Values, Tara Smith sets forth an exposition of Ayn Rand's metaethical theory and defends it against competing views regarding the
In Viable Values, Tara Smith sets forth an exposition of Ayn Rand's metaethical theory and defends it against competing views regarding the
James Davison Hunter, a professor of sociology and religious studies at the University of Virginia and director of the Institute for
Eine Schriftstellerin, die an klinischen Depressionen leidet, findet durch Prozac Linderung. Sie erkennt, wie tiefgreifend der Erfinder des Medikaments ihr Leben beeinflusst hat....
One firm belief that I bring to the Business Rights Center is: Philosophy matters. Without a theoretical defense of the fundamentals...
September 2001 -- The current debate over federal funding of embryonic stem cell research raises two basic questions: "Is it morally and
November 2001 -- One of the most popular mantras, following the terrorist attacks of September 11, declares how great it is to see Americans
December 2001 -- Greek Ways: How the Greeks Created Western Civilization . By Bruce Thornton. (San Francisco, California: Encounter Books..
Politische Reformer träumen schon lange davon, das Geld aus dem Tempel der Demokratie zu vertreiben. Sie argumentieren, dass Wahlkampfspenden von wohlhabenden Einzelpersonen und Interessengruppen Einfluss erkaufen - staatliche Subventionen, Erleichterungen von lästigen Vorschriften und Änderungen von Gesetzen durch Sonderinteressen - und damit gegen den Grundsatz "ein Mann, eine Stimme" verstoßen. Geld zahlt auch für aggressive "Themenanzeigen" während der Wahlsaison und vergiftet so die Atmosphäre rationaler Diskussionen bei Bürgerversammlungen, von denen demokratische Idealisten träumen.
Ayn Rand rejects altruism, the view that self-sacrifice is the moral ideal. She argues that the ultimate moral value, for each human individ
Ayn Rand rejects altruism, the view that self-sacrifice is the moral ideal. She argues that the ultimate moral value, for each human individ
Objectivism holds that the basis of all law should be individual rights to life, liberty, and property. These rights are commonly called...
Objectivism does not hold that happiness is the ultimate goal. It holds that happiness is the ultimate purpose in life.This is an important
To my knowledge, Ayn Rand came somewhat independently to her own views. She may have imbibed Paine second-hand through such Old-Right
Sport ist eine stilisierte körperliche Betätigung, die in der Regel eine begrenzte Anzahl menschlicher Talente erfordert, aber Spitzenleistungen in folgenden Bereichen zeigt
Sociobiology is the doctrine that we have fundamental behaviors and psychological characteristics that are explained by the incentives
If I understand the Bush administration's proposal from early 2005, it was intended to transition the Social Security system to something
The question of the moral permissibility of suicide for an egoistic philosophy is fascinating. It is challenging for Objectivism , which
It is my view that scholarly writing has several distinctive characteristics: It shows careful reading of primary sources and a thorough
Objectivists mean by "spiritual values" those values that fulfill the needs of human consciousness. The word "spirit" indeed refers
On the general level, Objectivism and Rationalism differ because the former is a philosophical system encompassing metaphysics, epistemology