6. März 2010--Lewis Carrolls geliebte Alice im Wunderland-Bücher haben von dem kauzigen Regisseur Tim Burton ein 3-D-Facelifting erhalten. In der
26. März 2010 - Früher galt jemand, der regelmäßig im Übermaß trank oder aß, einfach als Vielfraß. Eine Person, die versuchte, sich
In life, we take risks to achieve and maintain values. Objectivism holds that you should choose a course in life that will be conducive to
Early in her novel Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand presents us with a scene aboard a train that is entering Philadelphia. “An office building...
Objectivism has no position on most of the questions you ask, and in many cases the same general answer applies: We'll see when we get there
Marx often tried to blur the difference between economic and political power, to argue that those who command large fortunes have an
Magie und Illusion sind Handlungen, die darauf abzielen, Wirkungen zu erzielen, die nach den Gesetzen der Logik und der Natur als paranormal oder unmöglich erscheinen.
Objectivism holds that the sole purpose of government is to secure our right to live free from force. This implies property rights and
Marxism and Objectivism are similar in very few respects: —They are systems of thought. But Marxism is primarily a political and economic
Ayn Rand and Mises knew each other, and they were on good personal terms, though never close friends. There is reason to think Rand read....
Cultures, like people, have a sense of life, which Ayn Rand characterized as an "emotional atmosphere." "This emotional atmosphere," she...
Objectivism's social ethic (which underlies its theory of rights) is based on the recognition of a complex fact about rational beings: that
As a child, I was fascinated by astronomy and space, and I hoped to live to see the day when men would travel to the Moon. In 1969, I manage
Most Americans know peaceful and prosperous Switzerland—America’s “sister republic”—for its beautiful mountains, tangy cheese, decentralized
Mythen manipulieren oft unser Verständnis von aktuellen Ereignissen. Daher ist es angebracht, den neuesten Star-Wars-Film des Mythenmachers George Lucas zu kommentieren...
Halloween hat seinen Ursprung im Aberglauben, und leider ruft es immer noch alten und neuen Aberglauben hervor. Halloween, von "All Hallows Eve", war...
The news and the night sky are dominated by Mars. At a distance of only 34.6 million miles, the Red Planet is now closer to Earth than it...
The tragic results of collectivism in a culture are seen in a recent wave of suicides in Japan, especially among young people. A Washington
Now that Secretary of State Colin Powell’s mission to break the Israeli-Palestinian impasse has failed, the only peace plan that remains on
28. Mai 2003 -- Moralische Grundsätze sind das Herzstück des Lebens und der Kunst. Die Wahl der richtigen Prinzipien führt zu Glück und Schönheit. Die Wahl der