

Immortality and Value

Objectivists would try to employ any technology that reliably allowed them to live longer, fuller lives. It is wonderful and life-affirming

26. Januar 2011
2 Min.
Humanism vs. Objectivism

Humanism is the doctrine that there is only the real world, that reason is our means of knowledge, and that human well-being in this life is

26. Januar 2011
Production of Bads Not Goods

In a society that is basically Objectivist in its beliefs and laws, the only actions that would be illegal would be those that impose harm o

26. Januar 2011
4 Min.
Induktives Schlussfolgern in der Philosophie

Induktion ist der Prozess, bei dem aus bestimmten Fakten allgemeine Schlussfolgerungen gezogen werden. Sie wird in der Logik der Deduktion gegenübergestellt, die das Verfahren der

26. Januar 2011
2 Min.
Offenlegung von Informationen unter Laissez-Faire

Under laissez-faire capitalism, I doubt that there would be any blanket legal duty to reveal information that would harm one’s business....

26. Januar 2011
3 Min.
How Objectivists Respond to Religionists

Objectivists are advocates of reason, so we first try to reason with people who believe in ideas supported only by faith...

26. Januar 2011
2 Min.
Libertarianism--Is Thomas Fair to Schwartz and Peikoff?

Peter Schartz was not simply referring to the Libertarian party. See his " On Moral Sanctions ," in which he discusses the question "...

26. Januar 2011
2 Min.
Laissez-Faire Capitalism and Workers' Rights

Workers' pay in the laissez-faire era of the19th century rose steadily with the innovations that increased productivity and lowered prices..

26. Januar 2011
2 Min.
Liebe, Lust und die Dichotomie von Körper und Geist

Frage: Wie definiert und klassifiziert der Objektivismus sexuelles Verlangen und Lust? Es scheint, dass sie nicht wirklich aus Überzeugungen entstehen, sondern

26. Januar 2011
2 Min.
Government Jobs for Objectivists

Objectivism holds that each person's life is its own moral sanction, and that no one thrives in life except by living as a rational being...

25. Januar 2011
3 Min.
Freedom of Speech

Objectivists absolutely hold that we have a right to freedom of speech. It is an aspect of our broader right to liberty: the right to take..

25. Januar 2011
Wilhelm Thomas
2 Min.
Determinismus in The Fountainhead?

Ayn Rand schrieb die Passagen, die Leonard Peikoff in The Fountainhead , Centennial Edition (728-732) zitiert, in ihren Tagebüchern vom Ende...

25. Januar 2011
5 Min.
Existenz, Zeit und der Urknall

There are four points that need to be made in response to your question.First, "non-existence" is not the name of something. "Existence"....

25. Januar 2011
Eyal Mozes
2 Min.
Feminismus und Objektivismus

Der Objektivismus ist eine individualistische Philosophie. Er geht davon aus, dass jeder Mensch ein rationales Tier ist und dass alle Individuen....

25. Januar 2011
2 Min.

Objectivism holds that there is nothing wrong with charity, so long as one is pursuing one's own values in providing it. As Ayn Rand said...

25. Januar 2011
3 Min.

Externalities,” in economic terms, are costs or benefits imposed on third parties during the normal course of economic activity. So, if a...

25. Januar 2011
Andrew Bissell
3 Min.
Children's Rights

In the Objectivist view, the rights of human beings arise from their rational faculty and their ability to live as independent producers....

25. Januar 2011
Andrew Bissell
3 Min.
Game Theory and Objectivism

As such, Nash's contributions to non-cooperative game theory were a major breakthrough in the formal analysis of strategic interaction...

25. Januar 2011
2 Min.
Verabredung mit Nicht-Objektivisten

Verstößt es gegen objektivistische Prinzipien, mit Nicht-Objektivisten auszugehen? Ganz und gar nicht...

25. Januar 2011
3 Min.

Well, if you’re referring to an objective, rational view of the universe as it really is (the perspective Objectivism adopts), God simply...

25. Januar 2011
Andrew Bissell
3 Min.

Promovemos el objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.