The heroes of Ayn Rand’s fiction are great achievers, like Howard Roark, the superlative architect in The Fountainhead, and John Galt, the b
As Atlas Shrugged Part I nears its theatrical release on April 15, the level of excitement is rising rapidly across the internet, among the
Part 2 of the Atlas Shrugged movie trilogy is now available on DVD . The film creates an opportunity for donors interested in promoting the
We’re deeply saddened to inform our friends of the death of Frank Bubb. Frank was a Founding Member of The Atlas Society, and, from 2003 to
In the decades since the SEC decided that trading in your company’s stock could be a form of “fraud” if you were guided by first-hand knowle
Everyone who has seen South Pacific will remember Oscar Hammerstein II’s lyrics about the prejudice that Lieutenant Cable knows will keep hi
From the introduction: " Ayn Rand and Friedrich Hayek were two of the most important and influential theorists of a free society from the...
Independence in an Interconnected World from The Atlas Society on Vimeo . Is it possible to live independently in an interdependent...
It is very difficult, if one does not read extensively in seventeenth and eighteenth century thought, to understand quite how speculative
Margin Call is the best film to come out of the recent financial crisis. This is no polemic masquerading as a “documentary” (Inside Job) or
Americans are perhaps exceptional in the emphasis they put on creating a better tomorrow and a better self.
We always knew the reviews of Atlas Shrugged Part 1 would be hostile. When Ayn Rand’s novel was published in 1957, critics on both left and
Newsflash: it’s a competitive world out there! Some of us are winning and some are losing. It’s the game of live-and-let-live together.
When he graduated from college, Dennis Byrd did the unexpected: he negotiated a deal to take over a failing beachfront restaurant. Byrd was
Fred Groh's review of Tibor Machan's Generosity: Virtue in a Civil Society (in the November 1998 issue of Navigator) began by describing...
The murder took thirty-five minutes because the killer twice left the scene and returned to continue the assault. Afterward, thirty-seven...
Gupta is being prosecuted for his alleged conduct during the period when Goldman Sachs, of whose board he was a member, received a massive..
Fall 2011 issue -- My father passed in July 2011, and it was a time of great reflection for my family and me. Hearing of Steve Jobs’ passing
Fall 2011 issue -- Seems like these days I hear a lot of whiney whiners whining about “out of control government spending” and “insane
Just 10 years ago 3G and Bluetooth were in their infancy; Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube didn’t exist; and there were no mobile app stores.