Recht / Rechte / Governance

Recht / Rechte / Governance

Ruehle Tells Story of Backdated Options, Prosecutorial Misconduct

Americans like to believe. When they hear of some businessman denounced by the media and indicted by a U.S. Attorney, they are likely to say

Nov 12, 2012
10 Min.
Yes, Mr. President, Ayn Rand Is for Teens -- and Everyone Else

Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, we’d pick up. Then, as we get older, we..

Oct 26, 2012
Alexander R. Cohen
4 Min.
U.S. Economic Freedom: Retreat Becomes Rout

Measurement often is the crucial step in understanding—and gaining control—of a complex phenomenon....

Sep 21, 2012
Walter Donway
6 Min.
NY Authorities Serve Bartender an Injustice Cocktail

According to a lawsuit filed this month , after David Kelleran bounced a check he’d sent to renew his liquor license for one of his two

Aug 23, 2012
2 Min.
Dr. Hudgins' 12-Schritte-Kur für großen Regierungskonservatismus

Sie haben zum ersten Mal seit zwölf Jahren die Kontrolle über den Senat und das Repräsentantenhaus sowie über die Gouverneursposten im ganzen Land verloren. Präsident George....

Aug 15, 2012
Edward Hudgins
10 Min.
Cronyists Shut Business, Sunder Family, Put Teen Entrepreneur in Homeless Shelter

In Holland, Mich., the law under which Nathan Duszynski's hot-dog cart was shut down has not only blocked the 13-year-old's entrepreneurial

Aug 10, 2012
2 Min.
FTC verhängt Geldstrafe gegen Google wegen anhaltender Belästigung

Heute hat die Federal Trade Commission - nur eine von vielen Regierungsbehörden im In- und Ausland, die eine der weltweit größten ...

Aug 9, 2012
2 Min.
Stossel on Regime Uncertainty

The burden of unjustified laws and regulations would be hard enough for businesses to bear if they were stable, but uncertainty makes it

Jun 7, 2012
1 Minute
Lawyer Gets Record Insider-Trading Sentence

Matthew Kluger yesterday received the longest sentence yet for insider trading: twelve years . That's a year longer than Raj Rajaratnam's,..

Jun 5, 2012
2 Min.
DC-Regulierungsbehörden ziehen sich aus der Verfolgung von Secondhand-Läden zurück

Secondhand-Fachgeschäfte in Washington, D.C., hatten im vergangenen Monat ungebetenen Besuch: Bürokraten und Polizisten, die ihnen sagten, sie müssten...

Mai 30, 2012
2 Min.
Verwirkung trifft Unternehmen

If you can blame property for crimes, you can seize the property of innocent people. That's called "forfeiture," and government uses it

May 22, 2012
2 Min.
Rejecting Public Ownership

Business creators and investors are increasingly choosing not to take their companies public, says the Economist, and one reason is...

May 18, 2012
2 Min.
ObamaCare: Rx for Crisis

When people think of Medicare, they usually think of the government health insurance program for seniors over age 65. They may even recall..

7. März 2012
David Hogberg
15 Minuten
In memoriam: Larry Ribstein (1946)

Wir von der Atlas Society und ihrem Business Rights Center trauern um Professor Larry Ribstein, der am 24. Dezember an einem Schlaganfall starb...

4. Januar 2012
3 Min.
In memoriam: Larry Ribstein (1946

Wir von der Atlas Society und ihrem Business Rights Center trauern um Professor Larry Ribstein, der am 24. Dezember an einem Schlaganfall starb...

4. Januar 2012
3 Min.
Waiting for Gershon

“The law’s delay” is proverbial; there are snails sculpted on the flagpoles at the Supreme Court. But how long should a person sit in......

Dec 29, 2011
3 Min.
Why Care About Rajat Gupta?

Gupta is being prosecuted for his alleged conduct during the period when Goldman Sachs, of whose board he was a member, received a massive..

Nov 7, 2011
3 Min.
An Unjustified Sentence

One hundred, thirty-two months in which Raj Rajaratnam, a man capable of making millions through his ability to find out or figure out the..

Oct 13, 2011
4 Min.
Defiant Defendants and Corrupting Incentives

I’d like to present some excerpts from a prosecution brief in the sentencing of Raj Rajaratnam. Lawyers for Rajaratnam, who is to be.....

Oct 12, 2011
3 Min.
Undermining the Attorney-Client Privilege

Should a lawyer be able to represent both a corporation and its employees? If a corporation’s executives and other employees can’t trust the

Oct 5, 2011
3 Min.

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.