Wissenschaft und Technologie

Wissenschaft und Technologie

Private Moon Bases and NASA

A soon-to-be-released study on future activities in space suggests that private Moon bases could be a reality as early as 2020...

Jun 11, 2013
Edward Hudgins
3 Min.
Die Botschaft von Alexander Graham Bell

Few men of great stature provide a more striking contrast to Sebastian Bach than does Alexander Graham Bell. Bach was the supreme master of

Mar 1, 2013
6 Min.
Rubio, GOP Stumbling Away from Creationist Nonsense

Religious fundamentalists in the Republican Party scare away sensible voters when they inject their superstitions into public forums

Dec 4, 2012
Edward Hudgins
3 Min.
Danken Sie Google

Nehmen Sie sich an diesem Erntedankfest einen Moment Zeit, um einem der größten Wohltäter in Ihrem Leben zu danken: dem Wesen, das Ihnen den Weg weist, damit Sie nicht

21. November 2012
4 Min.
The Fourth GOP Debate: Sounding a Small Techno-Future Note

The fourth GOP presidential primary debate is worth noting in part because Marco Rubio sounded a note on the topic of our techno-future

Nov 10, 2012
Edward Hudgins
5 Min.
Neil Armstrong: Amerikanischer Held

Als sich die Apollo-11-Mondlandefähre "Eagle" am 20. Juli 1969 der Oberfläche des Mondes näherte, verfolgten Millionen von Menschen die Mission auf

27. August 2012
Edward Hudgins
4 Min.
Curiosity on Mars!

Today NASA's Curiosity Rover landed on Mars. Its advanced instruments should bring humanity closer to knowing whether life exists on the Re

Aug 6, 2012
Edward Hudgins
2 Min.
Benjamin Franklin's 10 Basic Hypotheses

Electrical matter consists of extremely small particles. (True. Electrons are particles and are smaller than can be measured..

Feb 22, 2012
3 Min.
Benjamin Franklin Explains the Leyden Jar

The Leyden jar is variously called a condenser or capacitor, and the reasons for those two names become obvious when one understands the...

Feb 22, 2012
3 Min.
Benjamin Franklin: Archetyp des Aufklärers

This month's "Achievers" column begins to redeem the promise made on the inside back cover of the December 1999 Navigator. There, under the

Feb 21, 2012
10 Min.
Benjamin Franklin: Archetyp des Aufklärers

Benjamin Franklin is the ideal person to lead off The Atlas Society''s Year 250 celebration, for many reasons. First, Franklin was a man who

Feb 21, 2012
10 Min.
Benjamin Franklin: Archetyp des Aufklärers

January 2000 -- This month's "Achievers" column begins to redeem the promise made on the inside back cover of the December 1999 Navigator. T

Feb 21, 2012
10 Min.
Lynda Weinman: Königin des dreifachen Gewinns

Vor nur 10 Jahren steckten 3G und Bluetooth noch in den Kinderschuhen, Facebook, Twitter und YouTube gab es noch nicht, und es gab keine mobilen App-Stores.

26. Oktober 2011
10 Min.
The Social Power of Integrity

There are people whom you have known or met who have a powerful quality to them; they know themselves, they seem comfortable in their own...

26. Juli 2011
Joel Wade
10 Min.
Engineers and Integrity

Editor's note: The following article is adapted from "Professional Heroes," a talk given by Gordon Stubley at the 1997 Atlas Society Summer

Jun 29, 2011
7 Min.
Happy 400th Birthday Modern Astronomy!

On August 25, 1609 Galileo first demonstrated the telescope to Venetian officials and then proceeded to point it at the night skies in order

Jun 9, 2011
Edward Hudgins
2 Min.
Signals from Spaceship 1

October 2004 -- On Oct. 4, 2004, the 47th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, humanity again made spaceflight history. SpaceShipOne, desig

May 10, 2011
Edward Hudgins
3 Min.
Ist die Quantenmechanik uninteressant?

Spring 2011 -- In The Logical Leap, David Harriman draws a fundamental contrast between two historically crucial scientific theories: Newton

19. April 2011
David S. Ross
5 Min.
Rezension: "Der Logiksprung: Induktion in der Physik"

Induktion ist die Bildung von allgemeinem Wissen aus besonderen Beweisen. Es ist Induktion, wenn man sich einmal die Hand verbrennt und danach immer...

19. April 2011
8 Min.
Wovor haben Kreationisten Angst?

This year marks the eightieth anniversary of the 1925 trial of John Scopes, who was accused of violating Tennessee’s prohibition on teaching

30. März 2011
Edward Hudgins
10 Min.

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.