

Climate Change: A Moral Debate

There has been considerable debate on the science of climate change and global warming on both ends of the spectrum from “deniers” to “alarm

Apr 23, 2019
John Vincent
6 Mins
Why Inequality Should Not Be an Object of Social Policy

Academics, the media, and Democratic politicians, like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, have suggested that reducing inequality should be a central objective of public policy.

Oct 8, 2018
John O. McGinnis
6 Mins
Visible and Invisible Hands

Douglas Den Uyl is vice president of educational programs for Liberty Fund. Douglas Rasmussen is a professor of philosophy at St. John’s

Apr 3, 2018
Douglas Rasmussen
8 Mins
Support Art, Cut NEA

At this time I was working summers to pay for my art education, and I had painted a large still life, and I still remember how proud I was

Feb 2, 2017
Michael Newberry
5 Mins
Video to Rectify Minimal Understanding of Minimum Wage

Quick quiz: If you jack up the price of something, do you think people will buy more or less of it? Apparently, the obvious answer “Less!”..

Jul 26, 2016
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Grover Norquist

I run American for Tax Reform, the group that shares the Taxpayer Protection Pledge with all candidates. We ask them to commit in writing

Jul 14, 2016
3 Mins
The incredible story of 'depletable' minerals

Energy is central to Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand also chronicled how the 1970s energy crisis was at root philosophical: altruism-collectivism

Jun 6, 2016
2 Mins
The Ideas That Promote Terrorism

I am not a Muslim. Nor am I a Christian, or a Jew. My philosophy of life, Objectivism , is a secular philosophy. But we are gathered here to

Mar 22, 2016
David Kelley Ph.D
6 Mins
How to Counter Socialists about Social Security

Five years ago at the hospital, the joy of holding my newborn daughters in my arms was momentarily disrupted when I was asked to free up a..

Mar 16, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Interpreting the Constitution Contextually

One of the most intense partisan conflicts in Washington, D.C., during the Bush presidency has been the struggle over Senate confirmation of

Feb 13, 2016
David N. Mayer
10 Mins
Universal Equality and Nationalism in the European Refugee Crisis

The European migration crisis has exposed the profound contradictions in the European Union. Faced with unprecedented numbers of illegal imm

Sep 20, 2015
5 Mins
GOP 2015 Second Debate Rundown

The second GOP presidential debates (held September 16, 2015) were grueling affairs: four candidates for nearly two hours and eleven others

Sep 17, 2015
Edward Hudgins
7 Mins
Talk to Rand Paul, online

Join us for a special edition of GULCH LIVE at 4:30PM ET for exclusive live commentary from the Atlas Society's David Kelly, Aaron Day, Will

Sep 15, 2015
2 Mins
Donald Trump: A Know-Nothing for the 21st Century

Donald Trump has jumped into the race for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination with a splash. His current front-runner status...

Aug 31, 2015
3 Mins
Democrats Stand for Socialism

Over the last week, this issue was brought into focus by two interviews given by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schulz (D-Fla), who chairs the

Aug 11, 2015
4 Mins
GOP Undercard Debate: Fiorina vs. Santorum

If the winner of the kiddie-table GOP debate were rewarded a seat at the adult table, Carly Fiorina would be feasting on hot turkey with...

Aug 7, 2015
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
China is Getting Rich and It's Wonderful

If you read about China in the American press, you may read of bad air, or over-building, or ill-treatment of activists, or the Spratly

Jul 31, 2015
4 Mins
Bernie Sanders, Socialism, and the GOP

It’s more than ironic that as socialist economies, led by Greece, collapse, Democrats in America are infatuated by Vermont Sen. Bernie...

Jul 19, 2015
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins
What America Will We Give to the Future?

Our country was established in 1776 on the premise that we all are endowed “with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life...

Jun 30, 2015
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Eggs, Global Warming, and Science

The arguments for man-made global warming remind me of the argument that eating eggs causes heart disease. ..

May 11, 2015
3 Mins

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.