Wissenschaft und Technologie

Wissenschaft und Technologie

Grundlagen Studienführer: Philosophie der Mathematik

Die Philosophie der Mathematik ist die philosophische Untersuchung der Konzepte und Methoden der Mathematik. Sie befasst sich mit der Natur der....

Apr 21, 2010
David Ross
8 Min.
When We Walked on the Moon

As a child, I was fascinated by astronomy and space, and I hoped to live to see the day when men would travel to the Moon. In 1969, I manage

Apr 4, 2010
Edward Hudgins
5 Min.
The Spiritual Significance of Mars

The news and the night sky are dominated by Mars. At a distance of only 34.6 million miles, the Red Planet is now closer to Earth than it...

Apr 4, 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 Min.
Scientology, Beschlagnahmungen und Wissenschaft

Jett Travolta, the sixteen-year-old son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston, died recently of what the autopsy found to be a seizure..

Apr 4, 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 Min.
Why We Watch the Skies

The Astronomical League, the world's largest federation of amateur astronomers, has declared May 10th to be this year's Astro

Apr 4, 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 Min.
Klonen von Menschen ist gut für uns alle

April 3, 2001 -- Last week, Congress began holding hearings on human cloning. Given the highly charged debate that human cloning is likely

31. März 2010
Patrick Stephens
3 Min.
Staatliche Finanzierung vs. Fortschritt der Wissenschaft

Die Erfindungen haben ihre Grenzen längst erreicht, und ich sehe keine Hoffnung für weitere Entwicklungen.....

19. März 2010
Malini Kochhar
3 Min.
Destroying Embryos Is Not Immoral

April 3, 2001 -- Human life begins at conception. Biologically speaking, human life begins when a cell with 23 pairs of chromosomes capable

Mar 16, 2010
Patrick Stephens
3 Min.
Celebrating Apollo 11's Sense of Life

July 20, 2004--It has been three and a half decades now since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first of a dozen men to walk on the

Mar 16, 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 Min.
Warum waren wir noch nicht auf dem Mond?

Diese Woche vor vierzig Jahren, am 16. Juli 1969, um 9:32 Uhr EDT, startete Apollo 11 vom Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Viereinhalb...

Jul 17, 2009
Bradley Doucet
4 Min.
Mining Nature's Ultimate Resource

In 1972, just two years after the first Earth Day, a team of scholars from MIT published a 200-page book called The Limits to Growth. Using

Sep 1, 2008
Robert L. Bradley, Jr.
Individualism in Orbit: Morality for the High Frontier

Today, we live “in the future”—the future that for decades had been depicted in science fiction, pursued by scientists and engineers, and...

Jul 1, 2007
Edward Hudgins
10 Min.
New Cult of Darkness

Since early men ignited the first fires in caves, the unleashing of energy for light, heat, cooking and every human need has been the....

Apr 2, 2007
Edward Hudgins
4 Min.
Is High Self-Esteem Bad for You?

For more than thirty years, promoting the development of higher self-esteem has been a major goal for clinical psychologists and educators..

Jul 21, 2003
Robert Campbell
10 Min.
Mean Genes

BOOK REVIEW: Mean Genes: From Sex to Money to Food, Taming Our Primal Instincts. By Terry Burnham and Jay Phelan. (New York: Perseus Book

Oct 14, 2001
D. Moskovitz
10 Min.
Objectivist Ethics in an Information-Age Economy

Some years ago, I wrote that we had reached a moment in history when self-esteem, which had always been a supremely important psychological

Feb 1, 2001
Nathaniel Branden
10 Min.

Wir fördern den offenen Objektivismus: die Philosophie der Vernunft, der Leistung, des Individualismus und der Freiheit.