The Liberty Dollar Bill
October 31, 2001 -- Students at Liberty Middle School in Ashland, Virginia have come up with a remarkably good idea. It’s called " The Liberty Dollar Bill Act ", a bill proposed to Congress to place an abbreviated version of the entire U. S. Constitution on the back of one-dollar bills. This is a great idea because Americans don’t know their Constitution—its history, its fundamentals of checks and balances, or the individual rights secured by its protections against government power. For instance, the students cite polls showing that 62% of Americans can’t name the three branches of the federal government. And 94% of Americans don’t know their precious First Amendment rights. Can’t name them yourself? This proposal would remedy that situation, as every American handling money would have the features of the Constitution right in the palm of his or her hand. A quick and meaningful lesson in American government would be available to all.
Apr 4, 2010

3 min