The question of the moral permissibility of suicide for an egoistic philosophy is fascinating. It is challenging for Objectivism , which
The question of the moral permissibility of suicide for an egoistic philosophy is fascinating. It is challenging for Objectivism , which
Der Objektivismus hält Ehrlichkeit für eine der wichtigsten Tugenden. Am Ende gewinnt man nichts durch Unehrlichkeit; sie lässt einen in einem Netz von Fallen gefangen.
Objectivism holds that in a society in which people deal with each other by trade, there will exist a "pyramid of ability." It is a pyramid
Meines Wissens gibt es im Objektivismus keine etablierte Position zur Pornographie. Hier ist jedoch mein Versuch, eine objektivistische
November 1999 -- Objectivists too often reduce the life and achievement of James J. Hill to a single debating point: He built a
Subjective criteria like "I like it" of course can't be proven as you say. And that is, in fact, why they are wrong. I can't add any more..
Objektivisten sind der Meinung, dass Eltern verpflichtet sind, für ihre Kinder zu sorgen und sie zu erziehen. Während der Objektivismus keine ungewählten Verpflichtungen akzeptiert
Der Objektivismus hat keine feste Position zur einvernehmlichen Polygamie. Beachten Sie, dass ich diese Antwort auf die Polyandrie beziehe (eine feste Beziehung
As everyone grows up, they develop a set of values: ways they interpret and respond to the world. At the basis of their values lies what...
What Objectivism opposes is the idea that nature has inherent value, apart from any human needs, values, or purposes. In general, Objectivis
Among the repercussions of last September's terrorist attacks is a heightened awareness among Objectivists of a phenomenon we, as lovers of
Spring 2009 -- If you’ve ever been queried by a skeptic who doubts the very existence of reality, you know how aggravating...
July/August 2008 -- Every now and then, Larry Barnes rides his big brown horse, Duke, around town and at nearby tourist destinations...
Da die amerikanischen Streitkräfte immer noch im Irak stationiert sind und das Land häufig in höchster Terrorwarnung ist, gehen wir mit einer gewissen Unruhe in unser tägliches Leben.
I consider Bob Elliott a friend. We’ve traveled thousands of miles together. He’s made me laugh so hard I cried. Once, after he cracked a...
Those are not the kind of questions Landrum wants to be answering. “I’m looking for people who don’t need a lot of guidance,” he tells me...
July/August 2003 -- While collecting entries for this issue's "Cultural Calendar," my thoughts returned to David Kelley's article "For a
12. Juni 2010 - Der Juni ist ein wichtiger Monat für Sportfans. Tennisfans haben die French Open, Basketballfans die NBA-Finals und Eishockeyfans die
Bill Mensching has aged a painting four hundred years, created a gigantic glass mural for a hotel in Las Vegas, and shipped the makings of..
Since 2006, the most objective presentations of conservative views to be heard in Manhattan have probably been those offered at a program...