November 18, 2013 -- Why did so little thought go into the testing and launch of the Obamacare website? This question is more puzzling given how important the site launch was to the Affordable Care Act, touted as a signature achievement of the Obama administration. Will and Ed discuss the fiasco and compare it to the Bush administration's lack of planning for the post-invasion governance of Iraq.
“(Reuters) - US Airways Group Inc and American Airlines will give low-cost competitors more access to a half dozen key U.S. airports, including New York and Washington, D.C., in exchange for permission to merge and create the world’s largest airline.”
If you’re working for a U.S. senator and you think your boss is doing something unconstitutional, you need to be able to say so. If you’re not free to inform the public about it, even by publishing information the senator isn’t willing to release, the voters can’t hold their senator accountable.
The finger-pointing in the GOP over Republican Ken Cuccinelli’s narrow loss to Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia governor’s race
Das Business Rights Center hat eine ganze Reihe schlechter Taten von Staatsanwälten festgestellt. Timothy Crudo hat die Geschworenen in Bezug auf Greg Reyes belogen. Staatsanwälte haben
29. August 2013 -- Was nützen gesetzliche Rechte einer Nation von Feiglingen, die zu viel Angst haben, sie auszuüben? Damit eine freie Gesellschaft funktioniert, muss sie...
Bis vor kurzem war Csanad Szegedi Gründer und führender Sprecher der antisemitischen rechtsextremen ungarischen Nationalistenpartei. Aber dann hat er
Das Cato-Institut hat eine neue Website, , eingerichtet, auf der die gute Nachricht, dass die Dinge insgesamt besser werden, quantifiziert wird.
Lavabit founder Ladar Levison, who created the email system that Edward Snowden used and who tried to protect it from the government, closed that system —but he hasn’t given up on providing private email.
Are you scared of Ayn Rand? Do you think she wants us to suck the life out of other people, like vampires , for our own self-interest? Are you afraid that in the world as she wanted it to be, most of us would be slaves to monstrous lords of wealth ?
Politische Fragen sollten in erster Linie unter dem Gesichtspunkt ihrer Vorteile diskutiert werden. Das Problem bei der Diskussion über Obamacare ist, dass die meisten der
"Is There a Right to Health Care?" by David Kelley
THE IDEAS AT WORK Is There a Right to Health Care? by David KelleyDavid explains why when government attempts to implement a right to health care, the result will be the abrogation of liberty rights.
Suppose the government accuses you of a crime. Suppose it freezes your money while you await trial, claiming that if you’re convicted, you’ll have to forfeit the assets. Are you entitled to argue to a judge that you’re entitled to the money, so that you can use it to pay an attorney to get you acquitted? Or do you have to go to trial without the money you maintain you earned legally, even if that means relying on a public defender?
Reihan Salam at National Review Online blogged today that people who want to improve health care should look to antitrust law.
In the United States, the people are supposed to be in charge of the government. What do you think is happening today ?" This recent nation
Ed Hudgins und William R. Thomas sprechen in ihrem Vlog über die wichtigsten Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts, darunter Nationalismus und religiöser Fanatismus.
Before he was famous as the man who shut down his email service rather than “become complicit in crimes against the American people,” Lavabit owner Ladar Levison was a businessman whose company faced an existential threat from the United States Government—because he was trying to provide private email.
Obamacare bürdet jungen Erwachsenen eine ungerechte und schädliche Last auf, indem es ihnen die hohen Gesundheitskosten der älteren Menschen und der Menschen mit Behinderungen aufbürdet.
20. September 2013 -- In diesem Update zum Stand der Kultur untersuchen William R. Thomas und Edward Hudgins die Opposition, die sich gegen....