StartseiteEine Einführung in den ObjektivismusBildungAtlas Universität
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Eine Einführung in den Objektivismus

Eine Einführung in den Objektivismus


In this four-part video series we introduce viewers to Objectivism by illustrating four fundamental concepts -- Philosophy, Reason, Envy, and Love.  Narrated by Jeffrey Tucker, the videos use narrative storytelling to provide an acquaintance with Ayn Rand's ideas.  Originally launched as part of SFL Academy learning platform, we've opened this introductory educational series to students of all ages by collecting the videos here.

1. An Introduction

2. What is Reason?

3. What is Philosophy?

4. What is Envy?

5. What is Love?

Intrigued to learn more?  Check out our Pocket Guide to Objectivism --

available in hardcopy, e-book, and audio version here.

About the author:
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